8 tricks to work from home efficiently


Working from home has become a reality for many people in the last year. Many companies have decided to implement teleworking indefinitely until the situation returns to normal. Others have opted for a hybrid teleworking model, which maintains physical work on specific days of the week. Whatever option you make, to make teleworking as efficient as possible, here is a list of our recommendations.


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8 tricks to work from home

1. Own space to work

The first recommendation we make for you to work from home is to have your own space and, if possible, set aside to do so. Being all day in the same room where you eat, work and sleep will harm your productivity since you will hardly feel like you are disconnecting. We recommend having a space that is totally dedicated to work and that is quiet.


Trabajar desde casa espacio


2. Try to follow the usual routines

Although one of the good things about working from home is the possibility of avoiding wasting time traveling, we recommend that you try to follow some regular routines that are followed when working physically. Performing certain activities, such as showering, getting dressed or having a coffee can help you to activate and feel in the same mood as if you were going to work.


3. Organize your day to day

Having a good organization is essential to work from home. Even if you are not in the office, it is good to try to schedule daily tasks and goals so as not to take the focus off your priorities. A good option when teleworking is to do it with collaborative tools in the cloud, such as Google Calendar , that allow you to share your schedule with your team. In this way, apart from having a good organization you will also improve distance communication.

Calendario para trabajar desde casa


4. Define your priorities

Related to the previous point, it is very important to be able to define your main priorities , whether they are daily or weekly. To do so, we recommend coming up with a list of the 5 most important things you need to achieve in your day or week, to focus solely on these. Thus, you will avoid getting distracted or getting stuck in low-priority tasks and it will be easier for you to achieve goals.


5. Make regular video calls

Although some people may consider video calls a waste of time, if done well they become a key to staying in touch when working from home. For video conferences with your team to be effective, you must have a good application to hold them and have a meeting plan . On the one hand, an application like Google Meet , among others , that is easy to use and has collaborative features, can make the meeting much more efficient and creative. For example, Google Meet now includes functionality that lets you see your team's faces while side-editing Drive documents. On the other hand, you should have a schedule with the time you want to dedicate to each part, to avoid wasting more time than necessary.

Colaborar Google Meet vs skype


6. Take breaks

It seems obvious, but taking breaks is even more important when working from home. When working remotely, it is common to spend a lot of time in front of the screen and not take any breaks. We always recommend taking breaks of about 10 minutes to rest your eyes and move around a bit, even around the house. This will help you to activate yourself and will make your day to day much more bearable.


7. It has the necessary tools

Another point that seems obvious but is essential to be able to work from home correctly. Although teleworking took many of us by surprise and without the necessary material to implement it optimally, it is important to start having adequate resources to work from anywhere . When we talk about tools, we refer both to a suitable desk, chair and screen so as not to force the body posture and vision, as well as computers and software prepared for remote work. Currently, there are different applications that allow you to collaborate easily. Our recommendation is to opt for spaces like Google Workspace , where you have all the necessary applications and functionalities, in one place .


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8. Take advantage of your moments of maximum productivity

Changes are often a good excuse to take advantage and introduce new improvements. In the case of teleworking , too. We are no longer only talking about normalizing the possibility of working from home or from anywhere , but also about changing the mentality of work. For this reason, we believe that it may be a good time to change the way we work, and we begin to guide ourselves by our moments of maximum productivity . We all have moments of the day when we are more or less productive. This is why it is a good idea to focus the maximum workload on those moments when we are most efficient, and reduce it when we are not. Thus, wear is avoided and the achievement of objectives is facilitated.


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If you want to revolutionize the way your company works, and start its digital transformation, we as Google's Premier Partner can help you. We know that each sector needs to face different challenges, so we can guide and advise you based on your needs. You only have to write to us here or call us at +34 634 88 78 70 .


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